The Broadcast Summit Programme will be revealed soon. In the meantime, you can take a look at the day's sessions and overviews.
Commissioner Question Time
A panel of brave commissioners take questions from the floor – what will you ask?
Content Strategy: Lifting the Lid on Broadcaster Thinking
A major figure at one of the biggest British broadcasters unpacks scheduling and content planning in the digital age
In Pursuit of Youngs
Commissioners and producers on the challenge of reaching young audiences, discussing content, platforms and talent
State of the Nation
How have indies navigated the last 12 months? Producers of different sizes and across the genres talk strategy, sustainability and success
The Power of the Pivot
Podcasting, commercials, other activity - three indies explaining how they’ve broadened their horizons
PLUS - Content Wishlists and 1-2-1 meetings with commissioners, Masterclass panels on hit shows, and In Conversation sessions between big name indie bosses