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Indie Summit
Benjamin Field

Benjamin Field

Executive Producer, Deep Fusion Films

Benjamin Field, a visionary UK-based TV producer and director, is renowned for blending creativity with technological innovation, particularly in the AI space. His distinguished career is marked by award-winning projects like "My Life: I'm Leading The Dance," earning him the Broadcast Award for Best Children's Programme, and the recognition at the Edinburgh TV Festival. His groundbreaking use of Artificial Intelligence in "Gerry Anderson: A Life Uncharted" cements his position as a leader in media evolution, pushing storytelling boundaries.

Field's deep understanding of human psychology, evident in works like "The Girl Who's Allergic to Herself," allows him to craft narratives that resonate deeply with audiences, achieving both commercial success and critical acclaim. His advisory role in AI policy reflects his commitment to ethical and forward-thinking media production, earning him respect and trust industry-wide.

As a blend of creative visionary and pragmatic executive, Benjamin Field is recognised as a dynamic, trustworthy leader driving the industry towards innovative horizons.
